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Students for Tomorrow's Opportunities

Naturalization Test

Total number of students who took the exam: 154
Number of students who passed: 153
Pass Rate: 99%

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College Entrance Exams

The SAT exam is a standardized exam used for college admissions.  It measures knowledge and skills in critical reading, math and writing.

Go to the collegeboard website to find test dates and then register for the SAT.  Also you may review test directions and practice questions, as well as download a free, full-length official practice test.  This site also allows a user to create a personal college or career planner.  Visit today!


The ACT exam is a standardized exam used for college admissions.  It measures knowledge and skills in English, math, reading and science.  There is also an optional writing portion.

Go to the ACT website to find test dates and register for the ACT test.  This site also has practice tests to download and review.  You may also find answers to frequently asked questions about the ACT on this site.   This site also allows a user to review and research college and career options.


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 Western High School Scholarships

WELLS SCHOLARSHIP  Western High School can nominate two students who will be attending Indiana University fall of 2015-2016. Please contact Mrs. Yazel if you are interested or need more information.     
Wendy's High School Heisman  Deadline Oct. 3, 2014  www./   
NATIONAL CO-OP SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM  Deadline February 15, 2015 Qualifications: Have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher, apply and be accepted for 2015-2016 academic year at one of the WACE Partner Institution listed. 
DANFORTH SCHOLARS PROGRAM   If you plan on attending Washington University in St Louis contact Mrs Yazel for more information on the nomination process.     
VOICE OF DEMOCRACY  Deadline Nov. 1, 2014 A national patriotic speech writing competition open to 9-12th grade students.A $30,000 scholarship with other prizes along the way.   
LEADERS AND ACHIEVERS  $1000 scholarship. demonstrated leadership abilities, plans to attend college, university or technical school in US, commitment to community service. If you would like to be considered for this scholarship email Mrs. Yazel.      

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Western School Corporation Mission Statement:
To educate and inspire today's students for tomorrow's opportunities.
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2600 S. 600 W. Russiaville, IN
P: 765-883-5541  F: 765-883-4522