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To Educate and Inspire Today's Students for Tomorrow's Opportunities To Educate and Inspire Today's
Students for Tomorrow's Opportunities
  • Info
  • Statements/Philosophy


Mission Statement

It is the mission of Western High School to provide educational opportunities that encourage each student to develop personal responsibility, respect for individual differences, and an inquiring mind so that each student will continue to learn, develop and apply skills and talents to become a productive citizen in an ever-changing society.

Policy Statement
It is the policy of the Western School Corporation not to discriminate on the basis of handicapped in admission or access to, or treatment, or employment in the educational programs or activities in which it operates, in accordance with school board policy. Inquiries regarding compliance with Title IX, or sex discrimination may be directed to: Superintendent, Western School Corporation, Russiaville, Indiana 46979

Telephone - (765) 883-5576.

Any student who feels that his or her rights have been violated may appeal through the procedures outlined in State Law - Section 20 - 8.1 - 5.14.

Philosophy Statement
The faculty and staff of Western High School believe that the school should provide those experiences and opportunities which will help students to develop as individuals who are well equipped to meet the challenges of everyday living in our increasingly complex society.

We believe that, in order to enhance this development, we must encourage individual responsibility and respect for others while maintaining an appropriate academic environment. We offer a diversified curriculum which recognizes the uniqueness of each student and which will encourage development of intellectual and artistic capabilities.

We believe that formal education is not the end of the process of learning but that education continues throughout life. Therefore, we believe in stressing the joys and rewards of learning through the application of skills and talents which can create an inquiring mind desiring ongoing growth.

The faculty of Western High School encourages students to take their places as responsible citizens in society.We believe that a positive self-concept is vital to the student's emotional and physical well-being and the student's attitude towards others. We further believe that the school and home should work together in helping students develop self-discipline. We recognize that obtaining the support of the community is essential to this effort.


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Western School Corporation Mission Statement:
To educate and inspire today's students for tomorrow's opportunities.
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Copyright 2025, Western School Corporation
2600 S. 600 W. Russiaville, IN
P: 765-883-5541  F: 765-883-4522