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Students for Tomorrow's Opportunities


All-Conference 1st Team
   Brian Pickering     1981-82 
   Dave Alley          1982-83
   Chip Brunt          1982-83
   Scott Brunt         1984-85
   Steve Degenkolb     1985-86
   Brett Etherington   1985-86
   Steve Degenkolb     1986-87
   Brett Etherington   1986-87
   Ted Sparling        1987-88
   Pat Sanders         1988-89
   Ezra Hendrickson    1989-90 
   Chris Tuberty       1990-91
   Pat Sanders         1988-89
   Sean Hendrix        1991-92
   Ryan Nehl           1992-93
   Kyle Himmelwright   1993-94
   Ben Narwold         1994-95
   Justin McKay        1994-95
   Ben Narwold         1995-96
   Brad Swing          1996-97
   Alan Davidson       2001-02 
   Josh Nelson         2002-03
   Bryce Parker        2003-04
   Kyle Irwin          2004-05
   Wes Dickinson       2005-06
   Kyle Irwin          2005-06
   Wes Dickinson       2006-07
   Adam Dillman        2006-07
   Marc Slick          2006-07
   Marc Slick          2007-08
   Darian Greene       2008-09
   Matt Reida          2008-09
   Wes White           2008-09
   Matt Reida          2009-10

Kokomo Tribune All-Area Team
   Mac Chambers        1964
   Phil Waddell        1965
   Tom Miller          1966-67  
   Mike Fulk           1968
   John Stratton       1968-69
   Rick Chaplin        1970-71
   Keith Salsbery      1972
   Mike Chaplin        1972
   Rick Pearson        1976
   Brad Edwards        1976
   Mark Mushinski      1977
   Demetris Gaines     1978-79
   Mark Boles          1981
   Brian Pickering     1982
   Chip Brunt          1983
   Dave Alley          1983
   Kevin Morgan        1984
   Jeff Lipinski       1984
   Scott Brunt         1985
   Brett Etherington   1986-87  
   Steve Degenkolb     1986-87
   Craig Wolfgram      1987
   Ted Sparling        1988
   Pat Sanders         1989-90
   Ezra Hendrickson    1990
   Scott Gaskins       1990
   Bart Miller         1991
   Sean Hendrix        1992
   Ryan Nehl           1993
   Kyle Himmelwright   1994
   Justin McKay        1995
   Ben Narwold         1995-96
   Brad Swing          1997
   Ryan Miller         1999
   Adam Foust          2000
   Josh Nelson         2001-03  
   Alan Davidson       2001-03
   Justin Foust        2004
   Bryce Parker        2004
   Kyle Walsh          2004
   Wes Dickinson       2005-07
   Kyle Irwin          2005-06
   Adam Dillman        2007
   Marc Slick          2008
   Matt Reida          2010

Indiana All-Star Team
   Brett Etherington   1987  

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Single Game Records

   44  John Stratton      Vs Clinton Prairie      1968-69
   41  Alan Davidson      Vs Taylor               2002-03
   40  Doug Cook          Vs Madison-Grant        1973-74
   38  Bryce Parker       Vs Maconaquah           2003-04
   37  Adam Foust         Vs Peru                 1998-99
   36  Marc Slick         Vs Logansport           2007-08
   36  Wes Dickinson      Vs Taylor               2006-07
   35  Bryce Parker       Vs Maconaquah           2003-04
   33  Adam Foust         Vs Clinton Central      1999-00
   32  Wes Dickinson      Vs McCutcheon           2006-07
   32  Wes Dickinson      Vs Twin Lakes           2006-07
   32  Brad Swing         Vs Clinton Central      1996-97
   32  Jake Lipinski      Vs Tri-Central          1996-97
   31  Kyle Irwin         Vs Eastern              2005-06
   31  Brett Etherington  Vs Eastern              1986-87
   31  Brett Etherington  Vs Carroll              1986-87
   31  Ryan Nehl          Vs Northwestern         1992-93
   30  Alan Davidson      Vs Clinton Central      2001-02
   30  Adam Foust         Vs Frankfort            1999-00
   29  Wes Dickinson      vs Kokomo               2006-07
   29  Alan Davidson      vs Tipton               2002-03
   29  Wes Dickinson      vs Logansport           2006-07
   29  Alan Davidson      vs Cass                 2001-02
   29  Kyle Walsh         vs Peru                 2003-04
   29  Scott Brunt        vs Northwestern         1984-85
   29  Brett Etherington  vs Harrison             1985-86
   29  Ted Sparling       vs Hamilton Heights     1987-88
   29  Pat Sanders        vs Eastern              1989-90
   29  Pat Sanders        vs Noblesville          1989-90
   29  Bryan Teed         vs Rossville            1993-94
*  29  Drew Larrick       vs Lafayette Jeff       2010-11
   28  Wes Dickinson      vs Northwestern         2006-07
   28  Alan Davidson      vs Knox                 2002-03
   28  Wes Dickinson      vs Peru                 2006-07
   28  Adam Foust         vs Kokomo               1999-00
   28  Josh Nelson        vs Cass                 2002-03
   28  Ryan Miller        vs Maconaquah           1998-99
   28  Adam Foust         vs Sheridan             1999-00
   28  Brad Swing         vs Cass                 1996-97
   28  Adam Foust         vs Westfield            1999-00
   28  Brett Etherington  vs Taylor               1986-87
   28  Ryan Nehl          vs Clinton Central      1992-93
   28  Andy Fernung       vs Eastern              1995-96
   27  Ted Sparling       vs Hamilton Hts.        1987-88
   27  Jade Miller        vs Northwestern         1987-88
   27  Ted Sparling       vs Carroll              1987-88
   27  Adam Dillman       vs West Lafayette       2006-07
   27  Wes Dickinson      vs Rossville            2006-07
   27  Wes Dickinson      vs Plymouth             2005-06
   27  Wes Dickinson      vs Kokomo               2005-06
   27  Kyle Irwin         vs Rossville            2004-05
   27  Drew Larrick       vs Maconaquah           2009-10
   27  Matt Reida         vs Tipton               2009-10

* - Active

   32  John Stratton      Vs North Miami          1968-69
   21  Ryan Nehl          Vs Peru                 1992-93
   20  Ben Narwold        Vs Eastern              1994-95
   19  Brett Etherington  Vs Carroll              1986-87
   18  Brad Swing         Vs Eastbrook            1996-97
   18  Ezra Hendrickson   Vs Rossville            1988-89
   17  Ben Narwold        Vs Lafayette Catholic   1995-96
   17  Pat Sanders        Vs Lafayette Harrison   1989-90
   16  Adam Dowden        Vs Rossville            1997-98
   16  Brad Swing         Vs Northwestern         1996-97
   16  Ben Narwold        Vs Taylor               1995-96
   16  Ben Narwold        Vs Sheridan             1995-96
   16  Sean Hendrix       Vs Northwestern         1991-92
   16  Ben Narwold        Vs Cass                 1994-95
   15  Ben Isaac          Vs Rossville            1997-98
   15  Brad Swing         Vs Cass                 1996-97
   15  Sean Hendrix       Vs Taylor               1991-92
   15  Ben Isaac          Vs Eastern              1997-98

* - Active

   17  Scott Gaskins      Vs Clinton Central      1989-90
   15  Steve Degenkolb    Vs Maconaquah           1985-86
   15  Scott Gaskins      Vs Carroll              1989-90
   14  Scott Gaskins      Vs Eastern              1989-90
   14  Scott Gaskins      Vs Frankfort            1989-90
   13  Wes White          Vs Eastern              2007-08
   13  Alan Davidson      Vs Peru                 2001-02
   13  Scott Gaskins      Vs Northwestern         1989-90
   13  Scott Gaskins      Vs Carroll              1989-90
   13  Ben Narwold        Vs Frankfort            1994-95
   12  Steve Degenkolb    Vs Clinton Central      1986-87
   12  Scott Gaskins      Vs Northwestern         1988-89
   12  Scott Gaskins      Vs Rossville            1989-90
   12  Kyle Lewis         Vs Twin Lakes           1995-96
   11  Alan Davidson      Vs Carroll              2001-02
   11  Alan Davidson      Vs Sheridan             2001-02
   11  Steve Degenkolb    Vs Northwestern         1986-87
   11  Todd Singer        Vs Taylor               1987-88
   11  Scott Gaskins      Vs Tipton               1988-89
   11  Scott Gaskins      Vs Lafayette Catholic   1989-90
   11  Scott Gaskins      Vs Mississinewa         1989-90
   11  Ryan Miller        Vs Crawfordsville       1997-98
   11  Wes White          Vs Maconaquah           2007-08
   11  Ryan Miller        Vs Eastern              1998-99
*  11  Quin Fields        Vs Lafayette Jeff       2010-11
   10  Will Thomas        Vs Eastern              2005-06
   10  Alan Davidson      Vs Taylor               2000-01
   10  Alan Davidson      Vs Sheridan             2002-03
   10  Alan Davidson      Vs Benton Central       2002-03
   10  Bryce Parker       Vs Peru                 2003-04
   10  Wes White          Vs Twin Lakes           2007-08
   10  Matt Reida         Vs Cass                 2008-09

* - Active

3-Point Shots Made
    9  Adam Foust         Vs Peru                 1998-99
    9  Kyle Walsh         Vs Peru                 2003-04
    8  Josh Nelson        Vs Cass                 2002-03
*   7  Damon Reel         Vs Peru                 2010-11
    6  Brian Teed         Vs Rossville            1994-95
    6  Josh Nelson        Vs Sheridan             2002-03
    6  Bryce Parker       Vs Maconaquah           2003-04
    6  Wes Dickinson      Vs Kokomo               2006-07
    6  Jamal Johnson      Vs Hamilton Hts.        2009-10
    6  Matt Reida         Vs Tipton               2009-10
    5  Bart Miller                                1990-91
    5  Josh Nelson        Vs McCutcheon           2002-03
    5  Josh Nelson        Vs Maconaquah           2002-03
    5  Josh Nelson        Vs Northwestern         2002-03
    5  Josh Nelson        Vs Rossville            2002-03
    5  Kyle Walsh         Vs Frankfort            2003-04
    5  Wes Dickinson      Vs Twin Lakes           2006-07
    5  Darian Greene      Vs Hamilton Hts.        2008-09
    5  Darian Greene      Vs Northwestern         2008-09
    4  Bryce Parker       Vs West Lafayette       2002-03
    4  Jade Miller        Vs Laf. Harrison        1987-88
    4  Justin Foust       Vs McCutcheon           2002-03
    4  Josh Nelson        Vs Twin Lakes           2002-03
    4  Kyle Walsh         Vs Northwestern         2003-04
    4  Kyle Walsh         Vs Eastern              2003-04
    4  Kyle Walsh         Vs Clinton Central      2003-04
    4  Kevin Ricks        Vs Frankfort            2003-04
    4  Kyle Walsh         Vs Carroll              2003-04
    4  Kevin Ricks        Vs Tri-Central          2003-04
    4  Bryce Parker       Vs Cass                 2003-04
    4  Bryce Parker       Vs Maconaquah           2003-04
    4  Bryce Parker       Vs Twin Lakes           2003-04
    4  Kyle Walsh         Vs Knox                 2003-04
    4  Wes Dickinson      Vs Kokomo               2005-06
    4  Wes Dickinson      Vs Rossville            2005-06
    4  Blair Stellhorn    Vs Rossville            2005-06
    4  Wes Dickinson      Vs Plymouth             2005-06
    4  Wes White          Vs Eastern              2006-07
    4  Adam Dillman       Vs Clinton Central      2006-07
    4  Wes Dickinson      Vs Carroll              2006-07
    4  Travis White       Vs Kokomo               2007-08
    4  Matt Reida         Vs West Lafayette       2007-08
    4  Matt Reida         Vs Peru                 2007-08
    4  Josh McGinnis      Vs Hamilton Hts.        2007-08
    4  Josh McGinnis      Vs Frankfort            2007-08
    4  Matt Reida         Vs Twin Lakes           2007-08
    4  Darian Greene      Vs Eastern              2008-09
    4  Darian Greene      Vs Frankfort            2008-09
    4  Matt Reida         Vs McCutcheon           2008-09
    4  Matt Reida         Vs Carroll              2008-09
    4  Darian Greene      Vs Peru                 2008-09
    4  Matt Reida         Vs Peru                 2008-09
    4  Darian Greene      Vs Cass                 2008-09
    4  Darian Greene      Vs Clinton Central      2008-09
    4  Matt Reida         Vs Twin Lakes           2009-10
*   4  Ben Constable      Vs Tri-Central          2010-11
*   4  Damon Reel         Vs Cass                 2010-11
*   4  Evan Warden        Vs Culver Academy       2010-11

* - Active

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Career Records

All-Time Scoring Leaders
   Josh Nelson         1999-03      1308
   Wes Dickinson       2004-07      1286
   Alan Davidson       1999-03      1197
   Rick Pearson        1973-76      1053
   Rick Chaplin        1968-71       972
   Tom Miller          1964-67       964
   Adam Foust          1997-00       951
   Brett Etherington   1984-87       940
   Kyle Irwin          2003-06       932
   Cliff Johnson       1950-54       932
   John Stratton       1967-69       857
   Jay Farwick         1956-60       852
   Steve Degenkolb     1984-87       809
   Ben Narwold         1992-96       801
   Mark Miller         1967-70       778
   Keith Salsbery      1969-72       774
   Bryce Parker        2003-04       751
   Demetrius Gaines    1977-79       741
   Ted Sparling        1985-88       732
   Matt Reida          2006-10       720
   Brad Swing          1994-97       717
   Bart Miller         1988-91       705
   Marc Slick          2005-08       699
   * - Active
   Ben Narwold                       626
   Brett Etherington                 582
   Josh Nelson                       430
   Kyle Irwin                        424
   Brad Swing                        408
   Ryan Nehl                         398
 * Brandon Larrick                   372
   Alan Davidson                     368
   Marc Slick                        357
   Pat Sanders                       325
   Matt Etter                        318
 * Drew Larrick                      313
   Chris Tuberty                     308
   Ted Sparling                      306
   Ezra Hendrickson                  287
   Sean Hendrix                      287
   Steve Degenkolb                   274
   Wes White                         262
   Evan Eads                         260
   Wes Dickinson                     260
   Adam Dillman                      245
   Mike Flora                        243
   Brad Swing                        227
   Bryce Parker                      212
   Jason Howard                      204
   * - Active
   Scott Gaskins                     403
   Alan Davidson                     380
   Steve Degenkolb                   348
   Josh Nelson                       303
 * Quin Fields                       269
   Wes White                         244
   Tim Holder                        236
   Matt Reida                        231
   Ted Sparling                      221
   Wes Dickinson                     221
   Andy Fernung                      212
   Jake Lipinski                     209
   Bart Miller                       205
   Ben Narwold                       204
   Kyle Himmelwright                 200
   Kyle Lewis                        197
   Bryce Parker                      194
   Justin Foust                      190
   Rick Bearden                      165
   Will Thomas                       159
   Kyle Irwin                        143
   Tom Henning                       143
   Todd Singer                       137
 * Brandon Larrick                   158
   Justin McKay                      121
   Ryan Nehl                         117
   * - Active
3-Point Shooting
   Josh Nelson          233-597    39.0%
   Adam Foust           192-577    33.3%
   Wes Dickinson        133-362    36.7%
   Matt Reida           114-288    39.6%
   Bart Miller           99-228    43.4%
   Bryce Parker          92-270    34.1%
   Tad Reida             79-206    38.3%
   Bryan Teed            77-202    38.1%
   Kyle Walsh            73-188    38.8%
   Darrian Greene        62-203    30.5%
   Alan Davidson         53-151    35.1%
   Kyle Irwin            52-156    33.3%
   Andy Fernung          49-149    32.9%
   Brian Dale            48-126    38.1%
   Jade Miller           44-104    42.3%
   Will Thomas           43- 96    44.8%   
   Bryce Parker          43-130    33.1%
 * Damon Reel            41- 92    44.6%
   Wes White             40-126    31.7%
   Marc Slick            39-126    38.0%
   Kyle Himmelwright     34- 94    36.2%
 * Drew Larrick          34-114    29.8%
   Chris Dale            33- 90    36.7%
   Jason Howard          31- 76    40.8%
   Travis White          31-109    27.4%
   Jamal Johnson         30- 74    40.5%
   Tom Henning           29-101    29.0%
   Jake Lipinski         28-137    20.4%
 * Quin Fields           28-108    25.9%
   Kevin Ricks           27- 85    31.8%
   Justin McKay          24- 76    31.6%
   Ted Sparling          23- 59    39.0%
   Kyle Lewis            22- 92    23.9%
   Adam Dillman          22- 61    36.0%
   Scott Richards        21- 48    43.8%

   * - Active

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Individual Records


   Career     Josh Nelson      1308                         1999-2003
   Season     Wes Dickinson     570                         2006-07
   Game       John Stratton      44 Vs Clinton Prairie      1968

   Season     John Stratton     375                         1968-69
   Game       John Stratton      32 Vs North Miami          1968
   Avg        John Stratton    17.8                         1968-69

   Season     Scott Gaskins     239 (9.6 Avg)               1989-90
   Game       Scott Gaskins      17 Vs Clinton Central      1990
   Career     Scott Gaskins     403                         1987-90

FG %
   Season     Sean Hendrix      .670                        1991-92
   Game       Brett Etherington  13-15 Vs Carroll           1987

FG Made - Season
              John Stratton     198                         1968-69

FG Made - Game
              Doug Cook          18 Vs Madison-Grant        1973-74

FT %
   Season     Josh Nelson       .871                        1999-00
   Game       Wes Dickinson      10-10 Vs Hamilton Hts.     2006-07
              Alan Davidson      10-10 Vs Eastern           2000-01
              Brett Etherington  11-11 Vs Harrison          1985-86
              Eric Lantz         10-10 Vs Tri-Central       1977-78
              Rick Chaplin       21-21 Vs Taylor            1969-70
              Phil Waddell       11-11 Vs Maconaquah        1964-65

FT Made - Season
              Wes Dickinson     158                         2006-07

FT Made - Game
              Rick Chaplin       21 Vs Taylor               1968-69

Consecutive Game FT's

              Rick Chaplin       43                         1969-70

3-Point FG
   Season     Adam Foust         87                         1998-99
              Kyle Walsh          9 Vs Peru                 2003-04
              Adam Foust          9 Vs Peru                 1998-99

   %          Josh Nelson       .438                        2002-03

Triple Double
              Ezra Hendrickson   Vs Cass                    1989-90
              23 points, 10 rebounds, 10 assists

              Ben Narwold  Vs Frankfort                     1994-95
              18 points, 14 rebounds, 13 assists

Charges Taken
   Season     Bart Miller        16                         1990-91

1000 - Point Club
             Josh Nelson       1308
             Wes Dickinson     1286
             Alan Davidson     1197
             Rick Pearson      1053

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Team Records


Wins                              23      2003-04
Winning %  (23-3)               .885      2003-04
Most Consecutive Wins             14      1986-87
Most Points - Game
     Vs Hamilton Hts             114      1987-88
Offensive Avg.                  71.8      1968-69
Defensive Avg.                  37.5      1953-54
FG % - Season                   .530      1986-87
FG % - Game                     .700
     Vs Sheridan                          2001-02
     Vs Clinton Central                   1994-95
3 Pt FG % - Game                .900
     Vs Hamilton Hts. (9-10)              1987-88
FT % - Season                   .749      2000-01
FT % - Game                    1.000
     Vs Sheridan (18-18)                  1999-00
     Vs Hamilton Hts. (16-16)             2006-07
FG Made - Season                 687      1989-90
FT Made - Season                 377      2002-03
Rebounds - Season               1124      1970-71
Assists - Season                 502      1989-90

Sectional Championships
  2011, 2007, 2006, 2004, 2003, 1990, 1983

Regional Championships

MIC Championships
  2011, 2009, 2007, 2005, 2004, 1995, 1991, 1988, 1986, 1984

Howard County Tourney Championships
  2011, 2006, 2004, 2003, 2001, 1996, 1991, 
  1990, 1989, 1988, 1987, 1984, 1983, 1982, 
  1978, 1969, 1968, 1963, 1959

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To educate and inspire today's students for tomorrow's opportunities.
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P: 765-883-5541  F: 765-883-4522